Trait rsim::processor::elements::cheri::CompressedCapability [−]
pub trait CompressedCapability: Copy + Clone { type Length: NumType + From<Self::Addr>; type Offset: NumType + From<Self::Addr>; type Addr: NumType + Into<Self::Offset> + Into<Self::Length>; type FfiLength: FfiNumType<Self::Length>; type FfiOffset: FfiNumType<Self::Offset>;}Show associated constants and methods
pub const PERM_GLOBAL: u32; pub const PERM_EXECUTE: u32; pub const PERM_LOAD: u32; pub const PERM_STORE: u32; pub const PERM_LOAD_CAP: u32; pub const PERM_STORE_CAP: u32; pub const PERM_STORE_LOCAL: u32; pub const PERM_SEAL: u32; pub const PERM_CINVOKE: u32; pub const PERM_UNSEAL: u32; pub const PERM_ACCESS_SYS_REGS: u32; pub const PERM_SETCID: u32; pub const MAX_REPRESENTABLE_OTYPE: u32; pub const OTYPE_UNSEALED: u32; pub const OTYPE_SENTRY: u32; pub const OTYPE_RESERVED2: u32; pub const OTYPE_RESERVED3: u32; pub const MAX_UNRESERVED_OTYPE: u32; pub fn compress_raw(src_cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> Self::Addr; pub fn decompress_raw(
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>; pub fn compress_mem(src_cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> Self::Addr; pub fn decompress_mem(
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>; pub fn get_uperms(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32; pub fn get_perms(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32; pub fn get_otype(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32; pub fn get_reserved(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u8; pub fn get_flags(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u8; pub fn update_uperms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32); pub fn update_perms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32); pub fn update_otype(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32); pub fn update_reserved(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u8); pub fn update_flags(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u8); pub fn extract_bounds_bits(pesbt: Self::Addr) -> CcxBoundsBits; pub fn set_bounds(
cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>,
req_base: Self::Addr,
req_top: Self::Length
) -> bool; pub fn is_representable_cap_exact(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> bool; pub fn is_representable_new_addr(
sealed: bool,
base: Self::Addr,
length: Self::Length,
cursor: Self::Addr,
new_cursor: Self::Addr
) -> bool; pub fn make_max_perms_cap(
base: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
top: Self::Length
) -> CcxCap<Self>; pub fn get_representable_length(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length; pub fn get_required_alignment(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length; pub fn get_alignment_mask(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length;
Trait defining an Rust version of the public API for a specific capability type.
A type X implementing CompressedCapability is equivalent to the API provided by cheri_compressed_cap_X.h
in C,
where ccx_cap_t
is equivalent to [CcxCap].
It is not recommended to call the trait functions directly. Instead, use one of the [crate::wrappers].
Associated Types
type Length: NumType + From<Self::Addr>
ccx_length_t Rust-land equivalent - should be a superset of Addr
type Offset: NumType + From<Self::Addr>
ccx_offset_t Rust-land equivalent - should be a superset of Addr
type Addr: NumType + Into<Self::Offset> + Into<Self::Length>
ccx_addr_t equivalent
type FfiLength: FfiNumType<Self::Length>
ccx_length_t C-land equivalent - should have a memory layout identical to the C ccx_length_t. This is separate from Length because for 128-bit types the Rust and C versions may not look the same. In practice, we just assume they are the same (see [crate::c_funcs] documentation).
type FfiOffset: FfiNumType<Self::Offset>
ccx_offset_t C-land equivalent - should have a memory layout identical to the C ccx_offset_t. See Self::FfiLength for an explanation.
Associated Constants
pub const PERM_GLOBAL: u32
CCX_PERM_GLOBAL equivalent These are the same for 64 and 128bit, but should be overridden for Morello-128
pub const PERM_EXECUTE: u32
pub const PERM_LOAD: u32
pub const PERM_STORE: u32
pub const PERM_LOAD_CAP: u32
pub const PERM_STORE_CAP: u32
pub const PERM_STORE_LOCAL: u32
pub const PERM_SEAL: u32
pub const PERM_CINVOKE: u32
pub const PERM_UNSEAL: u32
pub const PERM_ACCESS_SYS_REGS: u32
pub const PERM_SETCID: u32
pub const OTYPE_UNSEALED: u32
pub const OTYPE_SENTRY: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED2: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED3: u32
Required methods
pub fn compress_raw(src_cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> Self::Addr
Generate the pesbt
bits for a capability (the top bits, which encode permissions, object type, compressed bounds, etc.)
This transformation can be undone with Self::decompress_raw.
This is presumably intended for storing compressed capabilities in e.g. registers. Its counterpart for storing compressed capabilities in memory is Self::compress_mem.
pub fn decompress_raw(
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>
Decompress a (pesbt, cursor) pair into a capability. This transformation can be undone with Self::compress_raw.
pub fn compress_mem(src_cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> Self::Addr
Generate the pesbt
bits for a capability (the top bits, which encode permissions, object type, compressed bounds, etc.)
This transformation can be undone with Self::decompress_mem.
This is presumably intended for storing compressed capabilities in memory. It is equivalent to calling Self::compress_raw and XOR-ing the result with a “null mask”. Presumably this transformation prevents all-zero data from being interpreted as a capability?
pub fn decompress_mem(
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>
pesbt: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
tag: bool
) -> CcxCap<Self>
Decompress a (pesbt, cursor) pair into a capability. This transformation can be undone with Self::compress_mem.
This is equivalent to XOR-ing the pesbt with a “null mask” and calling Self::decompress_raw. Presumably the null mask prevents all-zero data from being interpreted as a capability?
pub fn get_uperms(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32
Gets the user/software-defined permissions from the [CcxCap::cr_pesbt] field
Counterpart: Self::update_uperms
pub fn get_perms(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32
Gets the hardware-defined permissions from the [CcxCap::cr_pesbt] field
Counterpart: Self::update_perms
pub fn get_otype(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u32
Gets the object type from the [CcxCap::cr_pesbt] field
Counterpart: Self::update_otype
pub fn get_reserved(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u8
Gets the reserved bits from the [CcxCap::cr_pesbt] field
Counterpart: Self::update_reserved
pub fn get_flags(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> u8
Gets the flags from the [CcxCap::cr_pesbt] field
Counterpart: Self::update_flags
pub fn update_uperms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32)
Updates the user/software-defined permissions field in [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
Counterpart: Self::get_uperms
pub fn update_perms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32)
Updates the hardware-defined permissions field in [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
Counterpart: Self::get_perms
pub fn update_otype(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u32)
Updates the object type field in [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
Counterpart: Self::get_otype
pub fn update_reserved(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u8)
Updates the reserved field in [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
Counterpart: Self::get_reserved
pub fn update_flags(cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>, value: u8)
Updates the flags field in [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
Counterpart: Self::get_flags
pub fn extract_bounds_bits(pesbt: Self::Addr) -> CcxBoundsBits
Extracts the floating-point encoded bounds from [CcxCap::cr_pesbt]
pub fn set_bounds(
cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>,
req_base: Self::Addr,
req_top: Self::Length
) -> bool
cap: &mut CcxCap<Self>,
req_base: Self::Addr,
req_top: Self::Length
) -> bool
Sets the capability bounds to bounds that encompass (req_base, req_top). Because a floating-point representation is used for bounds, it may not be able to set (req_base, req_top) exactly. In this case it will return False.
Updates [CcxCap::cr_pesbt], [CcxCap::_cr_top], [CcxCap::cr_base]
pub fn is_representable_cap_exact(cap: &CcxCap<Self>) -> bool
Check if the range ([CcxCap::cr_base], [CcxCap::_cr_top]) can be encoded exactly with the floating-point encoding
pub fn is_representable_new_addr(
sealed: bool,
base: Self::Addr,
length: Self::Length,
cursor: Self::Addr,
new_cursor: Self::Addr
) -> bool
sealed: bool,
base: Self::Addr,
length: Self::Length,
cursor: Self::Addr,
new_cursor: Self::Addr
) -> bool
Check if a capability with the parameters sealed, base, length, cursor
would be representable if the cursor were updated to new_cursor
pub fn make_max_perms_cap(
base: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
top: Self::Length
) -> CcxCap<Self>
base: Self::Addr,
cursor: Self::Addr,
top: Self::Length
) -> CcxCap<Self>
Generate a capability for base, top, cursor
with the maximum available permissions
pub fn get_representable_length(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length
Get the minimum representable length greater than or equal to length
If get_representable_length(l) == l
then bounds of length l
are exactly representable (if properly aligned).
See also Self::get_required_alignment, Self::get_alignment_mask.
pub fn get_required_alignment(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length
Get the alignment required for bounds of some length
to be exactly represented.
See also Self::get_representable_length, Self::get_alignment_mask.
pub fn get_alignment_mask(length: Self::Length) -> Self::Length
Get a mask which aligns a bounds of some length
to be exactly representable.
See also Self::get_representable_length, Self::get_required_alignment.
Implementations on Foreign Types
impl CompressedCapability for Cc64
impl CompressedCapability for Cc64
type Length = u64
type Offset = i64
type Addr = u32
type FfiLength = u64
type FfiOffset = i64
_CC_N(OTYPE_UNSEALED_SIGNED) = (((int64_t)-1) - 0u)```
The OTYPE field is 4 bits (50:47) in CC64
pub const OTYPE_UNSEALED: u32
pub const OTYPE_SENTRY: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED2: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED3: u32
pub fn compress_raw(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u32
pub fn decompress_raw(pesbt: u32, cursor: u32, tag: bool) -> CcxCap<Cc64>
pub fn compress_mem(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u32
pub fn decompress_mem(pesbt: u32, cursor: u32, tag: bool) -> CcxCap<Cc64>
pub fn get_uperms(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u32
pub fn get_perms(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u32
pub fn get_otype(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u32
pub fn get_reserved(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u8
pub fn get_flags(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> u8
pub fn update_uperms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>, value: u32)
pub fn update_perms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>, value: u32)
pub fn update_otype(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>, value: u32)
pub fn update_reserved(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>, value: u8)
pub fn update_flags(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>, value: u8)
pub fn extract_bounds_bits(
pesbt: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> CcxBoundsBits
pesbt: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> CcxBoundsBits
pub fn set_bounds(
cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>,
req_base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
req_top: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> bool
cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc64>,
req_base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
req_top: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> bool
pub fn is_representable_cap_exact(cap: &CcxCap<Cc64>) -> bool
pub fn is_representable_new_addr(
sealed: bool,
base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length,
cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
new_cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> bool
sealed: bool,
base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length,
cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
new_cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> bool
pub fn make_max_perms_cap(
base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
top: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> CcxCap<Cc64>
base: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
cursor: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
top: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> CcxCap<Cc64>
pub fn get_representable_length(
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
pub fn get_required_alignment(
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
pub fn get_alignment_mask(
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc64 as CompressedCapability>::Length
impl CompressedCapability for Cc128
impl CompressedCapability for Cc128
type Length = u128
type Offset = i128
type Addr = u64
type FfiLength = u128
type FfiOffset = i128
The OTYPE field is 18 bits (108:91) in CC128
pub const OTYPE_UNSEALED: u32
pub const OTYPE_SENTRY: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED2: u32
pub const OTYPE_RESERVED3: u32
pub fn compress_raw(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u64
pub fn decompress_raw(pesbt: u64, cursor: u64, tag: bool) -> CcxCap<Cc128>
pub fn compress_mem(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u64
pub fn decompress_mem(pesbt: u64, cursor: u64, tag: bool) -> CcxCap<Cc128>
pub fn get_uperms(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u32
pub fn get_perms(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u32
pub fn get_otype(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u32
pub fn get_reserved(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u8
pub fn get_flags(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> u8
pub fn update_uperms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>, value: u32)
pub fn update_perms(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>, value: u32)
pub fn update_otype(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>, value: u32)
pub fn update_reserved(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>, value: u8)
pub fn update_flags(cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>, value: u8)
pub fn extract_bounds_bits(
pesbt: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> CcxBoundsBits
pesbt: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> CcxBoundsBits
pub fn set_bounds(
cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>,
req_base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
req_top: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> bool
cap: &mut CcxCap<Cc128>,
req_base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
req_top: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> bool
pub fn is_representable_cap_exact(cap: &CcxCap<Cc128>) -> bool
pub fn is_representable_new_addr(
sealed: bool,
base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length,
cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
new_cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> bool
sealed: bool,
base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length,
cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
new_cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr
) -> bool
pub fn make_max_perms_cap(
base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
top: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> CcxCap<Cc128>
base: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
cursor: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Addr,
top: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> CcxCap<Cc128>
pub fn get_representable_length(
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
pub fn get_required_alignment(
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
pub fn get_alignment_mask(
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
length: <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length
) -> <Cc128 as CompressedCapability>::Length